August 9, 2015

Growing Pup

The first time I met Rex I picked him up, and he immediately snuggled his little head into my neck and sweetly licked me under my chin. He was just shy of 5 weeks old. When we next met, he was 7 weeks old, and I'd come to take him home. Seven week old Rex wanted nothing to do with being held. Gentle puppy licks had been replaced by darting nips with razor sharp teeth. It was normal puppy behavior, although I hadn't expected him to begin hitting the wild stage for another couple of weeks.
What do you mean it's not for chewing?

In two days Rex will turn 13 weeks old. He's still a wild child, but his sweet snuggles have returned. He still wants to chew hands and arms sometimes but can now be redirected,. The wild nips are, for the most part, gone. He knows a few of his toys by name. Chicken, duck, ball, flat toy (formerly a flat piece of sheepskin in the shape of a duck until Nikkou got to it). He fetches his ball and returns it to my hand - although he's still struggling with the concept that he has to let go of it for me to throw it again. He sits and waits to the side of his crate until I give him the okay to enter before I give him his food. Rex really loves to eat, so that's a massive amount of restraint on his part.

I love my tennis balls.

Progress. Progress is good. He's going to be a good dog.

Chicken. Before Nikkou stole it and ate one of the eyes.